Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DCSS Mission Trips

The mission teams are all back, safe and sound. Thank you for your prayers and support of a critical and distinctive program we offer at DCSS. This year, we sent teams to France, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and Jamaica during J-Term.

Here are some specific insights from the France trip: we are so thankful to God for such an amazing trip. A few things we are asking Him to remind us of as we head home. 

  • The same God that we saw and experienced in France is in Ohio wanting to do the same things. 
  • He doesn't need us, we need Him.
  • Gravitate towards the people you see Christ in.
  • Strive to become the person you expect/want everyone else to be.
  • God radically loves us!
  • We need Christ-centered community.
  • God can't change us until we admit that we can't change ourselves. 
May the impact of all the trips had on both the students and those they ministered to ring loudly for a long time! Pray that the words, skits, Bible memory, songs, and testimonies reach into many souls. Pray for those who heard the Message of hope and salvation for the first time, and those who have heard it their whole lives. Pray for change and a new zeal for living for Christ! Pray that the students are so excited about their trip, their friends will see their enthusiasm and sign up for the next ones! A big thank you to Nancy Snook, our mission trips coordinator. 

"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  
Joshua 1:9 (NLT) 

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