Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DCSS Mission Trips

The mission teams are all back, safe and sound. Thank you for your prayers and support of a critical and distinctive program we offer at DCSS. This year, we sent teams to France, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and Jamaica during J-Term.

Here are some specific insights from the France trip: we are so thankful to God for such an amazing trip. A few things we are asking Him to remind us of as we head home. 

  • The same God that we saw and experienced in France is in Ohio wanting to do the same things. 
  • He doesn't need us, we need Him.
  • Gravitate towards the people you see Christ in.
  • Strive to become the person you expect/want everyone else to be.
  • God radically loves us!
  • We need Christ-centered community.
  • God can't change us until we admit that we can't change ourselves. 
May the impact of all the trips had on both the students and those they ministered to ring loudly for a long time! Pray that the words, skits, Bible memory, songs, and testimonies reach into many souls. Pray for those who heard the Message of hope and salvation for the first time, and those who have heard it their whole lives. Pray for change and a new zeal for living for Christ! Pray that the students are so excited about their trip, their friends will see their enthusiasm and sign up for the next ones! A big thank you to Nancy Snook, our mission trips coordinator. 

"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  
Joshua 1:9 (NLT) 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Real Change

Pray for change (and discipline)!! It's that time of year when we desire to make real and effective changes in our lives. For those of us who have "resolved" to modify behaviors that will result in positive outcomes, we need to rely not on our own strength, but on Christ's. Read on for a note from President Emeritus, Bud Schindler.

As you make New Year resolutions, for real change, the key is to make certain that each one enhances your knowledge of Jesus, His character, His mind, and His way more deeply and intimately. In keeping that focus, you will indeed change and change those around you! There is no better way to begin a revival in our land, which is desperately needed.

As we enter the year of 2013, we are seeing the results of removing God from the very fabric of our society. The Living Bible paraphrase of Proverbs 29:18 states, “Where there is an ignorance of God, the people run wild.”  The late Richard Halverson, former Chaplin of the United States Senate once said, “Godlessness equals bankruptcy! It’s just a matter of time.” This secularization is impacting our churches, homes, government, businesses, and our schools.  Government instruction totally removes God from all instruction and is the main contributor to the godlessness of our time.

Having been involved in this vibrant ministry at the Dayton Christian School System since its conception some 50 years ago, we are totally convinced that the only way to reverse the godlessness of our time is to begin with children. Scripture clearly states that parents are commanded “to teach their children to love Him with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind every moment of the day” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Matt.22:37-38). This can happen only through Christian education where Jesus Christ is the focus and all courses are taught with the Bible as the foundation of all truth. He is the truth and there is no truth without Him! 

Pray for our DCSS parents who partner with us in the critical mission of producing a generation who thinks and acts Biblically, and who, God-willing, will impact their homes, churches, businesses, and nation.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Please pray for the families impacted by Friday’s shootings. Pray for our own children who may have questions and fears. Pray for the parents and teachers everywhere who are answering questions and may be dealing with their own fears. Pray that hearts and souls everywhere are impacted and the saving power of Christ is revealed to them.

Bud Schindler has the following thoughts about the Sandy Hook tragedy:

Many thoughts are flooding our minds as a result of the senseless murder of the 26 people in Newton. As believers in the sovereign work of our God, we search for the lessons that He wants us to learn. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3) and can relate as we mourn with the parents and families who lost loved ones.

The good news is that those precious children are now in heaven seated in the lap of our Savior (Mark 10:16) as He blesses them where they will spend eternity. They will never from this time forward suffer from the trial and difficulties of life. For those who have received the gift of eternal life from our Savior, Jesus, there will be a day of reunion with these in the near future.

We live in a secular society where God has been removed from our schools and government.  Without knowledge of Jesus, the people run wild (Proverbs 29:18). Only the gospel can have a preventative effect on our culture and we must return to the Bible with a focus on Him as the only true solution to the evils of our day.

Dayton Christian and Xenia Christian stand to equip young men and women in order that they will be “strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might ‘by putting’ on the full armor of god, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). 

During times like these, there is a desperate need to return to our precious Lord and Savior with our minds full and overflowing with His Word. Scripture teaches us to “Guard your heart (mind) above all else for it determines the course of your life” (Proverbs 4:23 NLT).

Our Savior was right there at Newton with each child as they were being ushered into heaven as God the Father was with our Lord and Savior as He bore our sins at Calvary. And, He has promised never to leave or forsake us. 

Friday, November 16, 2012


We have a big heart for missions in our schools. Missions is simplistically defined is "the act of sending." As Christians, we tend to think this as meaning proclaiming the gospel to people-groups in a foreign country. And, we do! But as followers of Christ, we also need to think of how to send His message of salvation to those in our immediate vicinity: the Miami Valley. Our students are very good at doing both, as is evident throughout the school year and most recently through Thanksgiving food drives, hurricane help, jeans days, and coat donations!

This week at Dayton Christian, we had visitors, Comfort and Gifty (shown here with DCSS President Bob Elliott), from International Needs share their ministry of rescuing girls and women from physical and sexual bondage in the country of Ghana. You can read more about their wonderful visit to our campus and their heartfelt story here

The same day they came, we also heard about children in Dayton who rarely get hugs or are told "I love you." We heard about our students who have started to minister to those children. Their mission is just down the road and is as vitally important.

Please pray for all those involved in missions - be it in an office cubicle, down the street, or across the ocean! Pray for our children who are now developing their own passions for sharing God's love. Pray that one day they can boldly proclaim the saving grace of our Heavenly Father! Pray for our alumni who are serving all over the world, that God keeps them safe.

Matthew 24:14  And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Election day is behind us (hooray), and immediately on its heels is Veterans Day. Over and over, during the political season, I heard how veterans "fought for our privilege to vote." This is a day to thank them for that and the many other various freedoms they have insured our nation.

Our military personnel sacrifice a lot for us, especially those who have spent time away from their loved ones. We have many families in our school system with relatives who have been on tours of duty or are currently deployed. Not only do the military personnel sacrifice, but the family he or she has left behind carry a great burden to live life without that special person beside them, be it a husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, etc. They love, worry, and care about them constantly!

Over and over, I have seen our schools' love and support for the veterans and their families. I have seen classes who send care packages to far off countries to supply both servicemen they knew as well as total strangers. I have seen hundreds of encouragement cards and drawings placed in the mail. I have seen children reunite with their dads and moms after a long deployment.

This month in particular, our students are learning about the heroes who have dedicated their lives and sometimes given their lives to securing our freedom. We are supporting Operation Heal Our Patriots (a project of Samaritan's Purse) and Operation Gratitude. Pray that these and all opportunities we have to bless our military personnel also bless the DCSS families who donate to them. My own two airmen (shown above) have been recipients of such packages and prayers and were greatly touched by the outpouring of care and concern over them. It meant a lot to me, as well. 

God bless our armed forces!!

Thank you for your service.

Joshua 1:9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Honor your father and your mother that it may go well for you

Someone asked me for something particular they could pray for. There are obviously many areas we need to keep praying for in general, but the specific burden on my heart this fall has been for all those in our school system with elderly parents, some who have died this fall. Some of us have recently watched our loved ones struggle with disease and fought alongside them to the end. Others had parents taken suddenly and without warning. Either way, it is a painful void. Pray for healing and comfort.

For many of my peers and coworkers, our parents are aging and are needing our care and we are finding ourselves in the position of trying to balance work and raising a family, along with assisting our mom and dads. It's not easy. Pray for those you know who are in that position but please pray as well as the ones being cared for. It's not easy for them, either, to acknowledge the loss of independence and youthful vigor.

We place a lot of emphasis on teaching our students to respect, honor, and obey their parents. As much as we remind our children to do that, it is something we all need to remember. 

Leviticus 19:32 “You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Parent-Teacher Conferences

This Thursday and Friday are our scheduled Parent-Teacher conferences. Please pray for those meetings, for the faculty, for the parents, and for the students. 

While our students are thrilled they get the day off, little do they know how critical these face-to-face meetings are for their educational success. The faculty at our schools truly and intentionally get to know the children they serve. They pray for them. They invest in them. They mentor them. 

As a parent, I always look forward to these meetings as they always give me invaluable insights as to the academic strengths and weaknesses of my children. However, not only do I get to find out where my children are academically, I also learn about their character. My children's teachers see them through a different set of eyes than I do and let me know where they are socially and spiritually. 

The teachers see our children interact in groups; they see them struggle socially; they see them lead or follow. They see the ways they help reach out to each other. They listen to their prayers and can give us insights to their praises and sometimes their fears. 

In other words, I have always been blessed beyond words by the conferences and walk away assured that my children are in the best hands!! Remember to thank and pray for those teachers who pour into our students' lives and partner with our families. 

1 Peter 4:9-11 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.